WhatsApp is an instant messaging app for smartphones that operates under a subscription business model. The proprietary, cross-platform app uses the Internet to send text messages, images, video, user location and audio media messages. In January 2015, WhatsApp was the most globally popular messaging app with more than 700 million active users. In April 2015, WhatsApp reached 800 million active users. WhatsApp Inc., based in Mountain View, California, was acquired by Facebook on February 19, 2014, for approx. US$22 billion.
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After months at beta stage, the application eventually launched in November 2009 exclusively on the App Store for the iPhone. In January 2010, support for BlackBerry smartphones was added, and subsequently for Symbian OS in May 2010 and for Android OS in August 2010. In August 2011 a beta for Nokia Series 40 was added, making it the first non-smartphone OS with official WhatsApp support. A month later support for Windows Phone was added, followed by the BlackBerry 10 in March 2013. In April 2015, WhatsApp launched in the Tizen store, making it available for Samsung Tizen OS. The oldest device currently capable of running WhatsApp is the Symbian-based Nokia N95 released in March 2007. In August 2014, WhatsApp released an update to its Android app, adding support for Android Wear smartwatches. On January 21, 2015, WhatsApp launched a web client which can be used from the browser to send messages.
How to Use?
1: First of all backup your existing whatsapp data and uninstall whatsapp from your mobile.
2: Download and install the latest version of Whatsapp
3: Then open the Whatsapp it will ask for verification, you simply need to put your mobile on flight mode.
4: Then launch whatsapp and enter the mobile number which you have set on flight mode.
5: Then whatsapp will call your number but verification process is not completed because no is on flight mode.
6: Then you have to go for second verification method which is by sending message and then enter email and click on submit.
7: Now you have to click on cancel button immediately this will end the authorization process but you are not done yet.
8: Then you need to spoof that text message means you have to install app Spoof Text Message for Android and Spoof Text for iOS.\
9: Now, Go to outbox and copy the message details and send it to the spoofing app, you have to use this below details
To - +447900347295
From - (Your Phone No. With Country Code)
Message - (Your email address which you have used above for verification)
10: Then the messsage will be send to that number and then your whatsapp will be verified.
11: Thats it, enjoy whatsapp without mobile number.
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